
Organising memorial cards can be an emotional journey and a hard task to take on for your family. The last thing anyone wants is for the process to be a difficult one. From deciding on images, prayers, or poems to picking the right product to remember your loved one.

You want to know that your memorial order will be in the right hands. Whether you have no starting point at all or already know the exact images you want to use, speaking to one of our team is the perfect way to start. We have years of experience in dealing with memorial stationery and can guide you through the whole process. From deciding between your traditional memorial card, bookmarks, acknowledgment cards and wallet cards, we can show you samples and help produce the perfect way to honour the memory of your loved one.

We meet families every week to help them through the process and ensure we get their remembrance printing just right.

Although orders can be taken by email, if you’d like to discuss an order with us, please do not hesitate to contact us on (090) 647 7054. Alternatively, you are welcome to meet us in the shop or pre-arrange a private meeting.