
Choosing what to hang on the walls to really make a room your own can feel like a daunting decision. With so many pieces of artwork readily available to be picked and mixed to create the right atmosphere, you can create more problems than you solve. Canvas prints can be the perfect solution for your problems, and here’s why.

A Personal Touch

Since it’s easy to customise what you get printed on canvas, you’re able to stamp your personality on a room with large format digital printing. This means that you can take that favourite picture of your child, that one time you managed to perfectly catch the stars on film, or the first time you and your partner ever met, and make it the most eye-catching part of your living room.

A Statement Piece

Extra-large canvas photo prints will look magnificent on a bare wall – this makes them the perfect purchase for any room with just that little something special missing. While a distinctly coloured wall can be all well and good according to your needs, it’s no match for a custom piece of artwork chosen specifically to stand out in your room.

Documenting Reality

In the digital age, it is all too easy to let our photos stay on our devices. Thanks to the availability of large format canvas printing, you can upload your exquisite photographs onto a canvas to make your snapshot come to life. This means you can pull your real-life experiences out from the past and into your living room. Canvas prints can be perfect for bringing you back to the best moments of your life.

For large picture printing that you can depend on, contact Athlone printing today. We offer a range of printing and binding services and our expert graphic design and customer services teams endeavour to answer any query.